Maximizing productivity with effective staff augmentation strategies

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Have you heard that staff augmentation is trending these days? Why? What does it mean? Staff augmentation services are transforming the IT industry with many possibilities. The reason is that companies are streamlining their operations to get more productive results. And now you are thinking about how this is streamlining the operations. Staff augmentation gets you the right talent for your IT needs. It helps address the workloads and project demands without a long-term hiring commitment. Curious to find out more? We will discuss what staff augmentation is in this blog, the significance of this term, different types of this strategy as well as some suggestions on how to successfully apply it.

What is Staff Augmentation

Have you got some ideas on this? Well, in simple words, staff augmentation is the model of using outside personnel temporarily to meet the demands of your projects. Here, the company can take advantage of the personnel’s experience and knowledge for their existing or new projects without hiring long-term employees. In this process, you can hire an individual or a group of dedicated teams for your needs.


For example, your company or project needs 4 developers to develop a healthcare app. You have only 2 developers in place. You need to get 2 more expert developers. What do you do? You need to hire them and undoubtedly it will take around 2-3 months to fill the gap thus delaying your project. However, with staff augmentation, you can employ those 2 developers within weeks.

What is the importance of Staff Augmentation?

Staff augmentation serves the right talent on demand, a strategic method that enables organizations to streamline their operations with the right talent. This method can be temporary or project-based and is valuable for addressing specific skills gaps or managing increased workloads without the long-term commitment of hiring full-time employees.


Companies can benefit through staff augmentation by getting the right talent on demand, ensuring the chosen resource will have the needed expertise to complete the project effectively. This assures that organizations can meet their deadlines, and streamline and scale up their operations with efficient resource management by reducing the cost.


Furthermore, staff augmentation gets you a global talent pool, with diverse expertise and skill sets that are often lacking in an in-house team or existing team. The connection between the in-house team and the augmented staff fosters a collaborative environment, ultimately leading to higher-quality outcomes and a more agile, responsive organization.

Types of Staff Augmentation Strategies

On-site staff Augmentation

As the name suggests, onsite staff augmentation is about integrating external professionals directly into the client’s office/workplace to effectively collaborate with the existing team. This type is particularly for in-person collaboration, or when hands-on involvement is essential. Here, this model fosters real-time collaboration, quick feedback, and seamless integration of augmented staff into the company culture. This model is best for projects that need a higher level of collaboration and direct supervision, ensuring that the work aligns closely with the organization’s standards and objectives.

Onshore Staff Augmentation

This refers to hiring external resources from the same country as the hiring company. This model leverages the advantages of cultural and linguistic alignment, similar time zones, and easier legal and regulatory compliance. Onshore staff augmentation is good for companies or projects that need a deeper understanding of local markets, regulations, and customer preferences. When necessary, it allows for face-to-face meetings and yet offers some financial advantages over keeping a bigger full-time workforce. In short, onshore staff augmentation means working with qualified candidates located in a different town or city but still based somewhere in the same country.

Nearshore Staff Augmentation

This model involves hiring or outsourcing tasks to resources in neighboring or nearby countries, basically within the same or a similar time zone. This model strikes a compromise between cost-efficiency and good communication. The geographical proximity enables simpler travel and collaboration than offshore arrangements, while yet benefiting from cheaper labor costs. Nearshore staff augmentation is undoubtedly a good choice for companies searching to extend their resource pool beyond domestic borders without compromising communication and project management efficiency.


Offshore Staff Augmentation

Here, it’s all about offshore connections. Offshore staff augmentation entails outsourcing work to professionals in distant countries, mostly in regions with low labor costs. The best thing about this model is that it saves costs and gives you access to diverse skill sets and expertise. There might be challenges with the time zone differences and potential cultural and communication barriers. But now the technology has advanced and thus project management practices have made it increasingly viable. This model is particularly beneficial for projects that can be efficiently managed remotely and without the need for frequent real-time collaboration.

Tips for Implementing Staff Augmentation Effectively

Setting Goals and Milestones

The initial step to effectively implementing the staff augmentation is to set clear goals and milestones. You should start by defining the project’s needs, specific objectives, and what you expect the augmented resource to do for your project. You should also track the progress and ensure everyone is aligned with the project’s vision. This will facilitate good direction, and accountability and enable you to examine the performance of the internal team and the augmented staff.

Identifying Skill Gaps

The next step is to identify the skill gaps. What is lacking in your existing team should be pointed out. And identifying skill gaps within your existing team is crucial for a successful staff augmentation strategy. You need to conduct a thorough evaluation to choose which skill set and experience are lacking, and what can be best for the project’s success. Once you understand these gaps, you may be able to target the right talent that can enhance the capabilities of your current team.

Selecting the Right Vendor

The most important thing you should consider in staff augmentation is choosing the right staff augmentation vendor. You should consider factors like the vendor’s expertise, reputation, and ability to provide the specific skills you need. In addition evaluate their hiring and vetting processes, and their track record of successful projects. A reliable staff augmentation vendor like NewAgeSysIT can offer high-quality talent, ensuring the augmented staff meets project requirements.

Synchronizing and Motivating the Team

Effective synchronization and motivation are key to blending augmented staff with your existing team. Use tools and platforms that help to ensure both in-house and augmented staff are on the same line. In addition, you can recognize and reward contributions. Additionally, recognize and reward the efforts of all team members to boost morale and maintain a productive, cohesive group.

Providing Effective Leadership

Providing effective leadership is critical for the success of staff augmentation. Leaders should offer clear guidance, set expectations, and maintain open lines of communication. Being available to address any complaints or problems as well as offer the required assistance to both the internal team and the augmented staff is a matter of importance. Good leadership guarantees that each person is centered, and motivated, as well as aligns himself or herself with the ultimate goals of the project, which in turn will lead to successful outcomes.


Staff augmentation is setting high expectations for organizations today as it is a powerful strategy for maximizing business efficiency. When talking about its benefits, it helps you to get the right talent on demand, diverse skill set, and low cost compared to having a full-time resource. As a result, the success rate for staff augmentation is high.


Still, are you struggling to get the right talent? Reach out to us now and know how we can help you with staff augmentation services. NewAgeSysIT is one of the leading IT staff augmentation companies that provide talented resources with diverse skill sets. We also provide Staff Augmentation for Startups, middle-sized businesses, and enterprises. See our clients and resources who have been with us for so long.

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