
Transforming Recruiting Operations with a CRM

The Client

JobzMachine, a trailblazer in the recruitment process outsourcing industry, envisions a future where talent acquisition seamlessly integrates efficiency and cutting-edge technology. Acknowledging the evolving landscape of recruitment, JobzMachine is on a mission to revolutionize its operations. With a steadfast commitment to enhancing the recruiting experience, JobzMachine seeks to empower recruiters and streamline their daily activities with a tailored Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

The envisioned ATS aims to optimize recruitment workflows, enhance candidate management, and elevate overall recruitment efficiency. By embracing advanced technological solutions, JobzMachine endeavors to set new industry benchmarks, fostering more effective, dynamic, and client-centric recruitment processes.

Unified candidate management

The ATS offers a centralized platform for comprehensive management of the recruitment process. Recruiters gain efficient access to candidate details, progress, and status, all within a single interface.

Dynamic leaderboard

The ATS is enriched with a dynamic leaderboard, empowering management to monitor recruiter performance in real-time. Easily accessible metrics including interviews conducted, candidate status, offers made, and submissions provide invaluable insights.

Automated teporting

Say goodbye to manual data entry and Excel sheets. The ATS automates daily and weekly reporting, ensuring efficiency and accuracy. This feature enhances reporting processes, enabling informed decision-making.

Mass emailing and contact detection

The ATS facilitates seamless communication with mass emailing directly from the platform. Advanced features such as name and email address detection further streamline communication processes, fostering enhanced engagement with candidates.



Inefficiencies with DTSearch and ACT

The client encountered limitations with third-party tools. DTSearch lacked effectiveness in candidate identification, while ACT lacked customization for seamless integration with their workflow.


Manual Reporting

Reliance on Excel sheets for reporting led to manual efforts, consuming valuable time. The lack of real-time reporting hindered strategic decision-making.


Lack of Comprehensive Solution

The absence of a centralized platform resulted in disjointed processes, making it challenging to manage the full recruitment life cycle efficiently.

The Results


The ATS provides a user-friendly interface for recruiters, significantly enhancing operational efficiency.


The dynamic leaderboard enabled management to monitor recruiter performance in real-time, facilitating quick decision-making.

Time and
resource savings

Automated reporting reduced manual data entry, allowing the client to focus on meaningful recruitment activities.


Mass emailing and contact detection streamlined communication, improving outreach efficiency.

The Solution

NewAgeSysIT engineered an innovative Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to revolutionize JobzMachine’s recruitment operations. Employing an Agile approach, we closely collaborated with JobzMachine to tailor the ATS to their specific needs and objectives.

Key Components

Intuitive Candidate-Centric User Interface Design: We prioritized creating an interface that resonated with candidates, offering seamless navigation through the application process. The user-friendly ATS empowered candidates to effortlessly submit documents and track their application status, contributing to JobzMachine's reputation as an employer of choice.

Robust Recruitment Management System: Tailored to JobzMachine's unique needs, ATS automated various stages of recruitment. From job posting to offer management, the solution streamlined processes while incorporating AI-driven tools for resume parsing and candidate matching, thereby optimizing the entire hiring workflow.

Integration of Cutting-Edge Technologies: To ensure scalability and performance, we leveraged a powerful stack of technologies. Backend development was orchestrated using Node.js, providing a robust server-side environment. Next.js enhanced frontend experiences, while MySQL and MongoDB databases ensured efficient data management. Integration of Apache Solr empowered the CRM with advanced search capabilities, facilitating quick and accurate retrieval of candidate profiles.

Our collaborative and iterative approach, combined with advanced technologies and a steadfast focus on user experience, culminated in the successful development and deployment of a cutting-edge ATS for JobzMachine. The ATS enabled JobzMachine to optimize recruitment processes, enhance operational efficiency, and remain competitive in the dynamic job market landscape.

The Result

Improved efficiency: The ATS provides a user-friendly interface for recruiters, significantly enhancing operational efficiency.

Real-time monitoring: The dynamic leaderboard enabled management to monitor recruiter performance in real-time, facilitating quick decision-making.

Time and resource savings: Automated reporting reduced manual data entry, allowing the client to focus on meaningful recruitment activities.

Enhanced communication: Mass emailing and contact detection streamlined communication, improving outreach efficiency.