How to Build an MVP and Raise Funding in 2024

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For start-ups looking to get investors and raise funds, they must create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The MVP will enable you to test your concept with a few resources and acquire valuable feedback. This article looks at how to build an MVP and ways to raise funds in 2024.


The simplest version of your product that can still deliver value to users is called an MVP. This will enable you to validate your idea without spending heavily on development. In mobile application development, an MVP will help test core features and capture user feedback before launching at scale, minimize risks, and maximize learning.

Steps towards Building an MVP

Define Your Core Features

To begin, identify your key features which address the main problem faced by your users. Do not include all the ideas you have in mind right now! Concentrate on those functionalities that matter the most. For example, when developing a smart home app, give precedence to device control among other things like automated settings. This keeps the process of building focused and manageable.

Conduct Market Research

Market research is essential as it helps you understand what your target audience is and their needs. Competitor analysis allows one to spot market gaps while also being able to differentiate their apps from others’. An individual can involve mobile app development companies for professional market research aimed at informing their MVP production and development procedures. It assists in creating a product that resonates with its target audience while standing out from others available in the market.

Choose the Right Technology Stack

Choosing the right technology stack is crucial when building a scalable and efficient MVP. Talk with a mobile app development company about selecting appropriate technologies for achieving the project goals stated above. Native iOS/Android or cross-platform technology stacks are among the performance-affecting factors considered by mobile app development companies. When deciding on your technology stack, you should consider development speed and ease of scalability and maintenance.

Develop and Test

Once you have defined your core features as well as the technology stack you will use, begin the process of development. Build and test an MVP together with your developers closely. Before launching the product to users, ensure that you properly test it for bugs that need to be corrected. The mobile app development service often involves extensive testing phases to guarantee that an app is working properly. Judging from feedback regularly given by users, the quality of your product could be dramatically improved which will also lead to high user satisfaction.

Gather User Feedback

After launching your MVP take in user feedback so that you can tell what’s effective and what’s not. Use this feedback to improve on your product where necessary. Involving early adopters allows one to refine their applications to meet customer expectations. User feedback is instrumental when it comes to guiding the next stages of development hence ensuring proper future evolution of a product in question.

How to Get Funding for Your Startup

Create An Engaging Pitch

Developing an engaging pitch is necessary if you want to attract investors. First, show them what problem your app is solving, the market opportunity, and why you are special. Next, present how far you have come with your MVP and provide a clear future roadmap. Back up your claims with visual aids and data that will make it interesting. Investors are interested in companies that know where they are going and have growth potential.

Maximize Your MVP

Your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) can be used as a powerful tool to demonstrate the possibilities of your product. To prove your concept, include real data from actual users, feedback from customers or users as well as testimonials from the public. The product must demonstrate existing demand among potential buyers and a foreseeable path toward expansion if it is to draw investors. This will also boost investor confidence in your project by explaining the milestones achieved including previous success and learning experiences throughout the process.

Network and Cultivate Relationships

Networking is very crucial to finding potential investors. To connect with investors, attend industry events, join startup incubators, and leverage social media channels like LinkedIn. Developing relationships with experts in the field and mentors can lead to funding opportunities. Networking enables one to not only attract investment but also acquire valuable advice and insights from experienced professionals.

Consider Various Sources of Funding

There are various sources of funding such as venture capital, angel investors, crowdfunding, and government grants available for exploration. Each funding source has its advantages and requirements. For example, requiring equity might be entailed in venture capital while crowdfunding allows fundraisers to generate funds without losing control over them. Diversifying your sources of finance increases the likelihood of obtaining the necessary funds.


Developing an MVP helps you validate your idea and seek funding strategically. By cutting down on unnecessary features, conducting thorough market research, and using mobile app development services, you will create a winning MVP. This calls for successful strategies to present MVPs before investors, develop networks with trusted partners, and explore diverse finance-generating depots.


We specialize in building MVPs at NewAgeSysIT. Our experience as a leading mobile app development company ensures that your application will be coded effectively, tested exhaustively, and presented flawlessly when soliciting financing from financiers’. Whether it’s smart home mobile apps or any other kind of applications we offer what is needed for success. Go through our mobile app development services page to see how else we can assist you in building and launching your MVP.


For more info on app development read our article on how much it costs to build a mobile app like Best Buy?, or check out our guide on how to create a smart home mobile app.

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