
Lead-generation For Small Businesses

Client Overview

CliquePrize noticed that small and medium-sized businesses in Nashville were struggling to reach new customers and keep them coming back. The real challenge was developing a tool that could not only find potential customers but also help turn these prospects into loyal fans of the business. The aim was to give local businesses a boost by introducing a technology-based tool that could improve the way they connect with people, making their efforts to attract and engage customers more effective and successful.

The Solution

First up, we launched version 1.0, focusing on sweepstakes and "Enter to Win" features that let businesses target potential customers by location, all while keeping transactions secure. Next, version 2.0 opened the door for partnerships between businesses and publishers, broadening the app's reach and making connections that benefited everyone involved. The evolution didn't stop there; version 2.5 brought in a variety of interactive features like video contests and raffles, making the app more engaging for users.

One of our major feats was handling a vast amount of data without breaking a sweat. By version 2.0, we had incorporated over 41,642 zip codes into our database, making sure businesses could reach just the right audience. This scalability was crucial for getting more visibility for the promotions on the app.

Our commitment to quality meant putting the app through rigorous testing, ensuring it worked flawlessly on iOS devices from day one. And we haven't taken our foot off the pedal; we're constantly updating and refining CliquePrize, helping local businesses find and connect with their customers in the most effective ways possible.

Overview of our comprehensive solution:

CliquePrize Version 1.0: Sweepstakes-driven lead generation
The inaugural release of CliquePrize was designed to initiate lead generation through an engaging sweepstakes format. By employing a state and zip code-based strategy, NewAgeSys IT enabled businesses to set up targeted promotions with defined start and end dates. The "Enter to Win" functionality was refined to streamline user engagement, encouraging contestants to provide vital information such as email, name, and contact number. Throughout this process, a secure payment system was integrated, emphasizing the protection of user data and privacy.

CliquePrize Version 2.0: Fostering publisher-sponsor partnerships
Evolving from its first iteration, Version 2.0 introduced an innovative collaboration between website publishers and sponsors, fostering a symbiotic relationship that benefited all parties involved. This version saw the introduction of new functionalities like logo and banner uploads and HTML code integration, significantly extending the application's reach. Furthermore, the database was expanded to include over 41,642 zip codes, vastly increasing the visibility and reach of sponsor promotions, thereby enhancing their effectiveness.

CliquePrize Version 2.5: Diversifying with video contests, surveys, and more
Continuing our journey of innovation, Version 2.5 brought an array of engaging features, including Video Contests, Surveys, Raffles, Events, and Instant Win. Our development team is actively working on implementing diverse video contest formats - including sponsor-generated, user-generated, and hybrid models - to foster greater interaction between sponsors and contestants. These new features aim to increase user engagement by offering a variety of interactive and enjoyable ways to participate.

Our collaborative approach to success
Throughout the development of CliquePrize, NewAgeSys IT has maintained a focus on collaboration and iterative improvement, playing a critical role in transforming the vision for CliquePrize into reality. Our ability to seamlessly integrate innovative ideas with robust technology, all while keeping the client's needs at the forefront, has been key to delivering a powerful tool that significantly enhances local businesses' capabilities in lead generation and customer engagement. This success underscores our expertise in creating scalable, impactful solutions tailored to the challenges and opportunities of today's digital landscape.

Our Process

Metro Market Targeting

CliquePrize’s precise targeting feature allows businesses to pinpoint local metro markets via zip code, efficiently capturing both Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) with minimal effort.

Verified Leads

We ensure that all CliquePrize users are thoroughly verified, providing businesses with the assurance that their leads are authentic and generated from real, engaged individuals.

Digital eGift Card Options

Offering a broad selection of digital eGift cards from BHN Rewards, CliquePrize enables businesses to select the ideal prize for their giveaways, enhancing participant engagement.

One-Click Entry

Our streamlined entry process allows contestants to participate in giveaways effortlessly, with just a single click, simplifying the participation process and improving user experience.

Bullseye! Directory

Bullseye! Directory offers a complimentary listing service for verified sponsors on CliquePrize, facilitating business promotion to precisely targeted, local prospects.

Private Promotions

CliquePrize supports the creation of exclusive, private giveaways, allowing businesses to offer both digital and physical prizes, tailored to their audience’s preferences.

HelloLeads Integration

By integrating with HelloLeads, CliquePrize enhances communication between businesses and their leads, enabling seamless interaction via email and text messaging.

Consent Management Platform (CMP)

Our Consent Management Platform ensures rigorous compliance with data protection laws, securely collecting and managing personal information and consent.

Lead Generation Excellence

CliquePrize excels in aggregating crucial contact details such as names, emails, and zip codes from promotion participants, transforming this data into a valuable asset for businesses looking to connect with potential customers.

Cost Efficiency and Metric Tracking

The platform supports cost-effective customer acquisition and detailed tracking of lead generation metrics. It enables analysis of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs), offering insights into product preferences and consumer behavior.

Exclusive Promotions and Lead Management

Businesses can use CliquePrize for tailored promotions with digital or physical rewards and streamline lead management. Integration with HelloLeads and diverse subscription plans (Public, Private, or Monthly) offer flexibility and efficiency in managing and engaging leads.


Reduced Customer Acquisition Costs

CliquePrize’s targeted approach enables businesses to reach the ideal audience efficiently, leading to significant savings in advertising and marketing expenses.


CliquePrize offers detailed analytics, allowing businesses to measure the effectiveness of their promotion-related activities and make informed, data-driven decisions.

Enhanced Sales

CliquePrize offers detailed analytics, allowing businesses to measure the effectiveness of their promotional activities and make informed, data-driven decisions.

The platform supports cost-effective customer acquisition and detailed tracking of lead generation metrics. It enables analysis of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs), offering insights into product preferences and consumer behavior.