Mobile App Development Cost: Fixed vs Hourly Pricing Models – Choosing the Right Strategy for Your Project

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The mobile app development world is hitting big like ever before. As numerous businesses evolve, they are keen to invest in mobile apps for better business growth. For that reason, many companies or individuals are inquisitive to know more about app development and the cost associated with it. And yes when considering the price, they will predefine their budget estimate. 


Are you someone who had to go over budget for an app development project? Have you ever had the impression that your investment in app development wasn’t worth it? Then this blog is for you if that’s the case. We have prepared a guide that can assist you in avoiding typical app development expense traps and selecting the best pricing plan for your needs.

Fixed Pricing Model

You simply see yourself constructing a home. You should have a precise estimate of the cost before you begin. And that’s how a fixed model operates, where you know very well what you need and don’t anticipate significant adjustments along the way. What stands out in the fixed pricing model is that here the chosen mobile app development company agrees to complete a project for a predetermined amount of money. 


The interesting part of this model is that the development team and the client agree on a scope of work, a timeframe, and a price. This is the greatest choice for clients who are clear about what they want developed and who would prefer to know the cost upfront.  NewAgeSysIT offers top-notch mobile app development services in both pricing models. Get a free consultation now!

Advantages of Fixed Pricing

Predictability of costs

  • Fixed pricing gives consumers an upfront cost estimate, enabling them to plan their budgets appropriately.


  • Fixed pricing is simple to comprehend and direct.

Nothing unexpected

  • A set price ensures that clients won’t be taken aback by unforeseen expenses or overruns.

Disadvantages of Fixed Pricing

Possibility of unforeseen changes

  • Any changes to the scope of work that occur during the development phase could result in additional expenses.

Insufficient flexibility 

  • Project scope adjustments are not possible with fixed pricing without spending additional expenses.

Is Fixed Pricing Always the Best Option?

This question you might have thought of before. The answer is that projects that have a specified scope of work and a set schedule are best suited for fixed pricing. It functions well for clients who know exactly what they want to develop and don’t plan on changing or expanding the project’s scope.

Hourly Pricing Model

As the name suggests it is simply based on the hours. Mobile app development companies follow an hourly pricing model where they charge clients based on the number of hours they spend working on a project. To be more specific, for every hour that the development team works, the client pays under this arrangement. 


And you are thinking of who can be the best to opt for this model? Clients with less specified work scopes and those who expect adjustments or alterations to the project scope will find hourly pricing to be quite convenient. We offer custom mobile app development services based on your business needs. See how we have helped similar clients like you to build successful mobile apps. View Portfolio.

The benefits of hourly pricing


  • Changing the project scope or adding new features can be done without additional costs.


  • Hourly pricing offers clients total insight into the development process by providing a thorough analysis of the development team’s time.

No surprises

  • There are no surprises because hourly pricing only charges for work that is completed.

Disadvantages of Hourly Pricing

Difficulty in cost prediction

  • Here, there comes a challenge in predicting the costs for the reason that is difficult to get the estimate how many hours a project will require ahead of time. This makes hourly pricing unpredictable.

Potential for overruns

  • Hourly pricing has the potential to cause cost overruns if the development team takes longer than expected to finish the project.

Can hourly pricing always be the best option?

For customers who expect adjustments or alterations to the project scope, as well as for projects with a less specified scope of work, hourly pricing works well. It functions well for clients who like to have more influence over the development process and are at ease with a more flexible approach to development.

Analyzing the distinction between the Fixed Price and Hourly Models

Choosing the right pricing model for your app development project—hourly or fixed price—is a big decision. Here are some key things to think about when comparing the two.

Project Scope

  • Fixed-price models work well when the project scope is clear and unlikely to change.


  • Hourly pricing structures work better for projects whose scope is more variable and subject to alter over time.

Project Timeline

  • When coming to this, hourly pricing takes the credit for having greater flexibility when considering project duration. Here changes can be made at any point during the development process without incurring additional charges.


  • On the other hand, fixed pricing models demand a predetermined deadline for completion.

Risk Control

  • When you are going with fixed pricing models, the mobile app development company you chose will undoubtedly bear most of the risk because they are responsible for finishing the project within the allocated spending limit. 


  • If you choose an hourly pricing model, it offers greater flexibility to both the client and the mobile app development company because modifications may be made without incurring additional charges.


  • Hourly pricing models might be more challenging to forecast, whereas fixed pricing models offer greater cost predictability.


  • Hourly pricing models enable payments to be made gradually throughout the development process, whereas fixed pricing models usually demand a bigger upfront payment.

What is the conclusion then? Whether you decide to go with fixed or hourly pricing for a project depends on your budget and the specific criteria involved. When going forward with the pricing model, just give a thorough examination of the benefits and disadvantages of both pricing models. And NewAgeSysIT, as one of the leading mobile app development agencies can guide you with the best pricing model by analyzing your business requirements. Chat with our consultant now!

Calculating Cost for Fixed and Hourly Pricing Models

Fixed Pricing Model

In the fixed pricing model, usually what happens in the mobile app development agencies is that they will offer a thorough project proposal that includes the job scope, schedule, and final cost. Once the client accepts the proposal and signature of the contract, the entire cost is fixed and cannot be altered without renegotiating the terms of the agreement. You should consider the below factors when figuring out how much a fixed pricing model will cost:

  • Work scope: The project proposal should contain a clear definition of the work’s scope. This encompasses every feature and capability that the application will have.


  • Timeline: In the project proposal, there will be a specific development timeline. It includes when the project is expected to start and finish.


  • Total expense: The project’s total cost should be included in the proposal in detail. This covers all costs related to the project, including those for testing, design, development, and deployment.

Hourly Pricing Model

An hourly pricing model may be more difficult to compute because the price is determined by the number of hours spent on the project. When calculating the cost of an hourly pricing model, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Rate per hour: The fees for the development company are often billed on an hourly basis. The development team’s location, the complexity of the project, and the amount of experience needed will all have an impact on this rate.


  • Work’s scope: The task scope should be clearly defined, but as the project progresses, it may change. The development company should provide regular updates on the number of hours completed and the number of hours required to complete the project.


  • Timeline: The development schedule may be more flexible in an hourly price model, but it’s still important to set realistic completion dates for the project. 

You may use the following formula to get the hourly pricing model’s cost:

Wrapping Up

To sum up, the success of your app development project depends on selecting the appropriate price plan. You can make an informed choice that fits your project needs, timeframe, and budget by being aware of the differences between fixed and hourly pricing models and various factors that can affect app development expenses. We at NewAgeSysIT, are aware that each app development project is different. We will create the optimal pricing plan for your project and create a thorough project proposal with a transparent cost breakdown. 

Why then wait? Chat with us right now to find out more about how our custom mobile app development services can assist you in realizing your app concept!

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